Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Third Time's the Charm??????

Okay - if I could figure out how to change the title of this blog I would because it seems silly to start a new one. If I could change it, the new title would be "Third Time's the Charm."

This will be the third time I've tried to lose weight. The first time I lost almost 50 pounds. I gained back about 30 and started to try to lose weight again and basically lost nothing. I have gained all the weight back, and then some and I'm now heavier than I've ever been before. I hate to post it because it is truly embarrassing. I had lost so much weight and I swore that I'd never go back to this and then....I did. I'm 5'1" and when I weighed this morning I was at 203lbs. That's just ridiculous.

I could blame a lot of things, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that life changed and I didn't. I've tried a lot of things over the last year, but I've just kept gaining and gaining. Hopefully this time will be different. I'm not only sharing my goals with you, I've shared them with my family and they're going to help keep me on track, too. My goal right now is to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks (by Halloween -- we have a big party to go to). I'm not going to set any bigger goals because I don't want to be disappointed. I'm going to just take one step at a time.

I don't have the money to go to Weight Watchers again, but I know how to do the program. So, tomorrow I'm going to start writing down everything I eat and I'm going to weigh myself every Wednesday. I hope it's not too boring if I write down what I eat in this blog. I'm also going to try to start exercising again and I'll write that down, too.

I don't know if anybody will read this or if it will make a difference to anybody, but hopefully it will help to keep me on track.

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