Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Secret to Quick Weight Loss?? The Flu!

I certainly didn't mean to neglect the blog, but I came down with the flu and haven't even felt human for the last 4 days. I've lost 4.8 pounds in 72 hours (I'm down to 196.6 lbs.) --- talk about quick weight loss!! The good news is that it seems my fever has finally broken and I might, possibly be getting back to normal. Hopefully, normal won't include some of the bad eating habits I'd gotten into before I got sick. One of the biggest bad habits I'm going to try to break is coming home from work and immediately getting a glass of wine and keeping a glass of wine in hand the rest of the evening. I can't imagine how many pounds I gained simply because of alcohol intake. So, in keeping with my resolve to set small goals, I think my goal for this week will be to limit myself to two drinks a night --- and those will be measured drinks, not the 'pour until it looks good' or fill up the glass kind of drinks :o) I hope somebody is reading this who will help keep me on track with this goal!

It's not often that I'm so sick that I'm not hungry or don't want food at all, but that sure happened this time. I didn't even want to think about food for a couple of days, but now that I'm starting to feel hungry again, my food dreams have shifted. I used to dream about big plates of Vietnamese food or yummy Indian curries.....maybe a shwarma from Phoenicia Bakery or two Baja Shrimp tacos from Torchy's (with a giant side of chips and queso). Now......I'm dreaming about scrambled eggs with toast and maybe a little bowl of chicken noodle soup. Perhaps I should take a lesson from this and try to keep my food dreams a little more reasonable.

But, for now, the goal is limited alcohol intake and that's what I'm going to focus on for the week. I'll weigh in again on Wednesday and see where I am and hopefully my brain will be working well enough to remember to blog about how I'm doing on this week's goal :o)


  1. I can't tell if you are cheating but I'm reading and encouraging....

  2. Come on Lara you can do it again! 3rd time lucky?
    With your friends and family following you and encouraging you to keep going I have faith in you doing it. You seem focused at the moment to go for keep it going hunny xx Wishing you a happy weight loss journey!

  3. HI Lara,
    Thanks for encouraging me! I need to be healthier too! I am hoping that we can continue to be an encouragement to each other as we commit to living a more healthy lifestyle.
    I love you much!
