Monday, April 20, 2009

Take 2 (starting over)

Why am I blogging? Well --- it's really a long story. The short version is that I really need to lose weight and in order to do that I have to be accountable to someone other than just myself. So, I have a friend who's going to follow the blog and help keep me on track (and I'm going to do the same for her) -- and maybe others will, too. Hopefully, this won't just be a chronicle of my life but will provide a place for discussion and encouragement.
I have learned that weight loss is not just about food -- it's a mental thing, and I need to figure out why I eat the way I do and how to get my brain to think of food in a healthier way......and blogging is cheaper than therapy :o)
I'm trying to decide if I'm going to use this as a place to record what I eat every day - I know that is very helpful to me, but I can't seem to ever keep a food diary for any length of time - maybe if I was doing it here, I'd be more consistent.
All of that is to say that this is a work in progress -- just like me -- I hope it won't be boring (but it probably will be) and I hope that it proves helpful and encouraging to others.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya hunny, great to see you blogging again and have encouraged me to start mine too! Here's to helping each other and to our slimmer future!!! x
