Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm going to be brave like my friend, Lisa, and post my statistics: I'm 41 years old, 5'1" tall and weighed 189 pounds this morning. I haven't decided whether or not to post pictures or not.....I'll make some sort of decision about that this week.

So -- my goal for this week was to go to the gym four times. I went Sunday and then again Wednesday and today. I'm planning on going tomorrow and Friday, both. It will be nice to meet a goal, even though it's a small one.

I'm a little discouraged because my weight is up a bit this week -- but I have to remind myself that I didn't put it on overnight and I'm not going to lose it overnight. So, I'll just keep trying and hope to see some results next week.

I'm going to make a whole new post to tell my background story ---- I think that's important to know, especially if we're trying to inspire each other.

Here's to healthier living!

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Day

So, I didn't do so well today. Too much to eat, too much to drink, no time at the gym. But --- I've decided that I'm going to set one small goal each week and just try to accomplish that. This week my goal is to get to the gym four times. Hopefully, on Saturday, someone will ask me if I did it or not. If I accomplish this goal, I'll keep it for next week and add something new.......if I don't accomplish it, I'll keep at it until I do. No heavy psychological "why did I eat the way I did" stuff today --- I'm too tired for that --- but I know I need to get around to that at some point. For now, I'm off to bed and hoping for a day tomorrow where I don't feel guilty about what I eat.

Take 2 (starting over)

Why am I blogging? Well --- it's really a long story. The short version is that I really need to lose weight and in order to do that I have to be accountable to someone other than just myself. So, I have a friend who's going to follow the blog and help keep me on track (and I'm going to do the same for her) -- and maybe others will, too. Hopefully, this won't just be a chronicle of my life but will provide a place for discussion and encouragement.
I have learned that weight loss is not just about food -- it's a mental thing, and I need to figure out why I eat the way I do and how to get my brain to think of food in a healthier way......and blogging is cheaper than therapy :o)
I'm trying to decide if I'm going to use this as a place to record what I eat every day - I know that is very helpful to me, but I can't seem to ever keep a food diary for any length of time - maybe if I was doing it here, I'd be more consistent.
All of that is to say that this is a work in progress -- just like me -- I hope it won't be boring (but it probably will be) and I hope that it proves helpful and encouraging to others.